The Impact of Illegal Immigration on Citizens of Prince George's County
Prince George's County is considered a "sanctuary jurisdiction because local laws protect illegal aliens in the county, when arrested, from being turned over to the federal government (ICE) authorities, except under extreme situations. The police are also barred from inquiring about immigration status when stopped for other lawful reasons and PG county is the local of CASA Maryland, a major lobby group for illegal aliens in the state, which the PG county government helps fund with taxpayer money. Burden on taxpayers is also felt by services to this population, which is estimated to comprise about 30% of the student body of the PG County public school system. While lawful taxpaying homeowners are facing the highest tax burden of any jurisdiction in the area, with lowest housing valuation,and low-performing schools, illegal aliens are given government funding for services that make our county an incentive for more illegals to take up residence here.
In the state of Maryland, a 2012 study conducted by FAIR reported that close to 2 billion dollars of taxpayer money statewide was being consumed to support and sustain the presence or such a large population of illegal aliens in the state. What is the answer?
Non-citizen voting in municipal elections
College Park held a hearing to consider this proposal. Voting on proposal on August 8.
Non-citizen voting is supported by those who favor aiding and abetting the continuing presence of illegal aliens. The larger issue involves election integrity, since voting by unqualified non-citizens can more readily consolidate power in the hands of elected leaders, rather than the responsible citizens themselves. See more commentary on this issue
Picture at right shows Senator Ben Cardin and AG Brian Frosh during election day visit in Prince George's County, making a public appeal to guard against "voter suppression", including the offering of a hotline for anyone who feels threatened not to vote at the polls.
Testimony on HB 1461 -
OPPOSE - Maryland Law Enforcement Trust Act
The bill HB1461 is unwise and dangerous legislation that would threaten public safety, increase taxes and interfere with the enforcement of federal immigration laws that are vital to the safety and well-being of all Maryland citizens. I therefore urge your opposition to this bill.
This bill would deter public safety in several significant ways. For example, it would protect and insulate criminal illegal aliens from capture by federal immigration agents, to thereby promote and support more serious crime in Maryland through the increased violence by MS-13 gangs who especially prey off the fear, language deficiency, ignorance, and vulnerable, dependent status of others in the illegal alien community. National surveys reveal that violent crime from the illegal lien community is disproportionately higher than any other segment of the population.
The presence of large numbers of illegal aliens also places extreme financial burden on Maryland taxpayers, which has been estimated to exceed 2 billion dollars per year. Since illegal aliens are not allowed to legally work, taxpayers must cover the cost of their medical, housing, education and food services to a substantial extent. And, when they do work illegally, they drive out competition for fair, honest wages from among the low-skill workers who are American citizens.
Where I reside in College Park, Prince George's County is considered a "sanctuary jurisdiction” because local laws protect illegal aliens in the manner of HB1461. So, when arrested for local crime, illegal aliens are not being turned over to the proper federal government (ICE) authorities, except under extreme situations. The police are also barred from inquiring about immigration status when stopped for other lawful reasons. Sadly, this dangerous condition of large numbers of illegal aliens here is encouraged by the presence of the main office of CASA Maryland, which is a taxpayer-funded lobby group for the illegal alien community.
In Prince George’s County, local taxpayers are hammered with many taxpayer burdens to support the illegal alien community. For example, it is estimated that the presence of large numbers of illegal aliens here, especially those brought into our country as “unaccompanied minors”, has resulted in 30% of the student body of the Prince George’s County public school system. While lawful taxpaying homeowners are facing the highest tax burden of any jurisdiction in the area, the sanctuary status for illegal aliens has added to this burden with the extra demands for greater government funding for services to them that makes our county an incentive for even more illegals to take up residence here.
In summary, HB1461 would make the entire state of Maryland into the same “sanctuary status” as in Prince George’s County, thus bringing to all Maryland jurisdictions the same burdens and dangers faced by citizens in Prince George’s County now. For this reason, I urge your vote against this unwise, reckless and likely unconstitutional legislation. And, I also urge support for the bills HB1549 and HB1308 which would remove the dangerous and unhealthy conditions that exist in “sanctuary” jurisdictions like Prince George’s County. Passing these bills would thereby improve crime prevention, public safety, and lower the tax burden for all citizens here.
Submitted by:
Lee Havis, March 8, 2018
The Answer in Missouri
Re-print from recent Facebook post:
Missouri has a straightforward answer to "illegal immigration". Anyone else? Missouri has no illegal's; go figure... Shouldn't the other states do the same? Missouri's approach to the problem of illegal immigration appears to be more advanced, sophisticated, strict and effective than anything to date in Arizona . Does the White House appreciate what Missouri has done? So, why doesn't Missouri receive attention? Answer: There are no illegal's in Missouri to demonstrate.
The "Show Me" state has again shown us how it should be done. There needs to be more publicity and exposure regarding what Missouri has done. Please pass this around.
In 2007, Missouri placed on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment designating English as the official language of Missouri . In November, 2008, nearly 90% voted in favor! Thus, English became the official language for ALL governmental activity in Missouri . No individual has the right to demand government services in a language OTHER than English.
In 2008, a measure was passed that required the Missouri Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be in Missouri illegally. Missouri law enforcement officers receive specific training with respect to enforcement of federal immigration laws.
In Missouri, illegal immigrants do NOT have access to taxpayer benefits such as food stamps or health care through Missouri Health NET.
In 2009, a measure was passed that ensures Missouri 's public institutions of higher education do NOT award financial aid to individuals who are illegally in the United States .
In Missouri all post-secondary institutions of higher education are required to annually certify to the Missouri Dept. Of Higher Education that they have NOT knowingly awarded financial aid to students who are unlawfully present in the United States .
So, while Arizona has made national news for its new law, it is important to remember, Missouri has been far more proactive in addressing this horrific problem. Missouri has made it clear that illegal immigrants are NOT WELCOME in the state and they will NOT receive public benefits at the expense of Missouri taxpayers.