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Our Mission

The mission of PG Citizens is to work to improve the quality of life of all citizens of Prince George’s County, Maryland, such as by assuring honest, transparent government and respecting the lawful and efficient operation of the Charter and laws of Prince George’s County and the State of Maryland.


To achieve this mession, PG Citizens will raise awareness and focus attention to various problem areas and concerns in the county.  Such concerns may then be established as projects for PG Citizens to take on through various types of political, legal, and unifying civic action.  We intend to be open to consider a range of concerns that interest and impact citizens and participating members of PG Citizens.  In this effort for a better Prince George's County, we welcome the participation of anyone with a sincere interest and desire to improve the life and government for the benefit of all in our county.







Lee Havis, Organizer

      Lee Havis, born and raised as a long-term resident of Prince George's County, organized PG Citizens, and serves as Board Chairman.  In the 1970’s, Lee became active in civic issues as a member of a local community association and political reform and coalition building for better government in Montgomery County, Maryland.  In 1996, he formed the Maryland Public Assembly, to provide non-partisan evaluation and comparison of candidates for all offices in the state of Maryland.

     Lee’s pofessional life has been as leader of innovative education in his field through an international non-profit organization he founded in 1979.  In this role, Lee has led various efforts to unify educators for educational freedom, such as by serving a term as president of a national coalition known as “Americans for Choice in Education” (ACE). His educational background includes BS in Mechanical Engineering, J.D. in Law, BFT in foreign trade, and M. Ed. in the field of early childhood education.


      Lee believes strongly in the power of grassroots citizen participation in the political and civic life of society as the best means to assure accountability for good government by its elected leaders.

Lee Havis



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