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Lee Havis

Smile a Little - Stopping crime from illegal aliens in PG County

In the June "PG Citizens" newsletter, I reported the tragic murder of a 14 year old in Riverdale, alleged at the hands of two released MS-13 gang members, wanted by ICE for deportation processing. Sadly, the county policy has been to refuse detainers of ICE, which had been issued to hold these persons for ICE immigration enforcement. Based on this news, I made a "public information" request to investigate this reckless and unwise policy. While we are still awaiting results of this request, a new report was released on June 26, that this policy has been partially changed.

So, smile a little, PG Citizens. since Executive Alsobrooks has delivered some much needed good news for better public safety to fight illegal alien crime in PG county: 

WJLA - June 26, 2019

"One month after taking heat from the White House over the prior release of two illegal teenage immigrants now charged with the gang-related murder of a 14-year-old girl, authorities in Prince George's County have announced a change in their protocol.... Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks says federal authorities will be notified when a person subject to a federal immigration detainer charged with a gang-related or violent crime is released from county custody."

County Executive Alsobrooks interview with WJAL reporter, informing of new policy to respect ICE detainers for criminal illegal aliens in PG county



In Riverdale, MD, the William Wirt Middle School, with a large Hispanic student body, has been the focus of much violence, apparently MS-13 gang related. The Washington Post reported on the dangerous violence taking place around this school, so it is clear that more needs to be done to stop this dangerous threat to public safety in the area, coming most likely from illegal aliens.

In June, 2018, Breitbart News referred to reporting by the Washington Post that "The principal at the (William Wirt) school, Rhona Simley, would not agree to be interviewed, according to the Post.

A spokesman for the school district sent an email saying although Simley was aware of gang problems in general but not at her school, even though police told the Post that officers had been called to the campus 74 times this school year.

The Post and other media outlets, including Breitbart News, have connected that the increase in MS-13 crime has been fueled by the more than 200,000 unaccompanied minors who have been relocated to communities across the country, including 5,000 who have been placed in Prince George’s County since 2012.

Federal Prosecutors from Maryland and El Salvador team up in Prince George's County

The Baltimore Sun in July 2019, reported on a joint meeting between prosecutors in Maryland and El Salvador to work more closely together to stop the MS-13 gang violence that is rampent in both countries.

As part of their cooperation, authorities met in Langley Park, in Prince George's County, where there is a very high frequency of MS-13 gang activity. "The tour in Prince George’s County was part of a two-day meeting between prosecutors from the Central American country and prosecutors with the U.S. attorney’s office in Maryland as the groups combine investigative powers to fight the violent transnational gang on both fronts. Money that gang members extort from businesses in Maryland is being sent directly to El Salvador, prosecutors said. And orders to kill in Maryland often come after a communique from a gang leader in El Salvador, they said.


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